Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Time Flies

So, last month Angie and I celebrated eight years on the Team Expansion Go Ancona team. It is amazing and yet, odd because in less than two months, we will no longer be on the Ancona team. On August 1st, we transition total focus onto the new Verona team of which I am leading. It is definitely the right time for that focus, I am finding myself more and more being involved with and planning things for the Verona team. It's still bittersweet for me, and us, as we turn the page on a great chapter of our lives. We will still be part of the overall Italy project, but in a different city with a new team. And we are excited and sad all at the same time. Our lives as we have come to know them these past years spent in Ancona will be changing and while there is good that comes with change, there is often mourning. In this case there is for sure.

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