Monday, March 07, 2005

Four years in Italy

Today we are celebrating four years since our arrival in the country of Italy. When I look back at all the things that has happened over the last four years I can’t help but look forward with great anticipation to seeing all the things God has planned for us, our team and the people of Italy in the next four years.

- There is a church (body of believers) that consists of more than just our team!
- Many, many relationships have been formed with unbelievers in Ancona.
- Our church celebrated it’s first baptism (last October).
- We have had the assistance of ten short term groups, with another to arrive in a couple of weeks.
- Our church started our weekly Life Group (small intimate group of believers that meets in a home).
- Our church started our weekly Celebration service (Sunday worship service).
- Our church started Project Loving Ancona (reaching out with kindness to the community).
- Our church started La Fonte (a tri-monthly special study in God’s Word)
- Our church started Altissimi (a tri-monthly worship event)
- Our church started Collegamento (a tri-monthly prayer event)
- Our church started Gruppo di Slancio (a monthly small group for unbelievers seeking the truth).
- Our church started Sorrisi (Weekly kids programming during Celebration).
- Our church started Kid’s Time (Weekly kids’ ministry during Life Group).
- We are continuing to grow our presence in the community and the city.
- Numerous foundational documents and strategies has been laid down.
- Bible study series for foundational truths has been translated, illustrated and created.
- Worship resources have been found and we are continuing to find more.
- Children’s/Youth resources have been found and we are continuing to find more.
- Plus many, many, many more details.

In May we are going to launch our celebration service to the community. We will have been having celebration for about three and a half months by then. Many details have been and will be worked out by then. We hope to put out thousands of invitations and/or mailers. We hope to have raised the funds to construct two rooms in our attic for children’s classrooms (as well as storage). We hope to have raised funds for a new kitchenette for hosting events and fellowship dinners.

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