Sunday, May 22, 2011

Newsletter - May 2011

And for your reading pleasure, here is our May 2011 newsletter. Click on the picture to download the pdf. Right click it to choose to save the target (pdf) to your computer.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sleepy Saturday...Working!

So, here I find myself the the fourth Saturday out of five working. I am almost done with the new VBS curriculum I'm working on, JUMP VBS. I have almost 100 pages done and only about fifteen to go. I have really enjoyed designing this curriculum, but I have been working on it for months. Some design and research were done a year ago! So, even though I have enjoyed it, I am ready to have it complete. Usually, after lunch I find myself fighting the natural napping desire. I try different things to get me out of the after lunch funk. I get more Diet Dr. Pepper (cans are kept at the ready in the fridge at my office), I make coffee with my Keurig coffee maker (so I can make one cup of coffee at a time), and I have stood up and walk around in a circle around my office. Well, enough writing, now back to writing...if I can keep my eyelids open.