Monday, October 23, 2006


Our first REAL earthquake! Matt and I have been pretty sure that we have felt tremors before. But usually when we talk to the rest of the team they didn't feel them so then we ask ourselves...did that really happen? But Saturday morning we woke up to the house slightly shaking and something in our room making noise as it shook. It was one of those strange experiences when you are just waking up and you aren't sure what is going on. We were pretty sure it was an earthquake but then again was it really? Then a couple of hours later I felt it again but this time only slightly. I called Heidi and asked "Am I going crazy or is the earth moving today??!!!" She said the earth was moving and that they had felt them too at the same times we had. Crazy! Brian found this bit of news about it...
(AGI) Ancona, Italy, Oct 21 - An earth tremor of 4.2 on the Richter scale and around the third grade on the Percalli scale, was recorded just after 9 o'clock this morning between the provinces of Ancona and Pesaro-Urbino. The tremor was felt by the people living in the Metauro basin. According to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the first tremor occurred at 36.8 km down and its epicentre was Castelleone di Suasa, in the Ancona province. (AGI)

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